
The Charging Principles

The Charging Principles

Basic principle

The fee is determined in each assignment on the basis of the selection, the required work load and the nature of the services agreed to be provided.
For the service consisting of many assignments we can agree on a package price if possible.

Public costs

The Service Provider has the right to add to the fees and costs the amount of VAT each time in force and other public fees and costs applicable from time to time.


The Service Provider may use as its charging principle the time used for the assignment, price per work unit such as price per verification, price per service, combination of the aforementioned or other charging principle suitable for the services to be provided.

Advance payments

The Service Provider has the right to require an advance payment from the Client, if it is agreed upon with the Client or if it can otherwise be deemed justified under the circumstances of the case.

Direct costs

In addition to its fee, the Service Provider can charge necessary and reasonable direct costs.

Specification of pricelists and invoices

The Service Provider shall present the terms of payment, interest on arrears, VAT and other possible public cost and other specification regarding the determination of fees and costs in accordance with the agreed charging principle.

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