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Resources Regarding the Incomes Register in Finland

posted workers in Finland

Starting from 01.01.2019 all payments to employees, employer taxes and contributions will need to be reported to the new Incomes Register. Previously used employer tax declarations to Verohallinto will no longer be used. Furthermore, all payments-related info will also be available to the pension insurance companies, the Finnish Unemployment Insurance Fund and other related organizations. Below we have gathered a wide-ranging list of detailed instructions by Verohallinto and other resources in English for getting familiar with the new requirements and procedures.

Incomes Register – changes to reporting of wages and employer’s contributions in 2019 –

Homepage of the Incomes Register –

Incomes Register FAQs –

Presentation and training material about the Incomes Register –

Videos about the Incomes Register (mostly in Finnish) –

Scopes of different types of authorizations for using the Incomes Register –

Instructions on reporting data to the Incomes Register –

Instructions for using the e-service –

General reporting guidelines –

New earnings payment report –

Employer’s separate report –

Reporting data to the Incomes Register: international situations –

Signing into the e-service using Katso ID –

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