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Finnish Entrepreneurial News 1.2017 — Tax Changes in 2017

Dear reader,

I hope you had an exciting and relaxing time at the end of December and are eager to start 2017 with a lot of energy and passion for developing your business. This new year is bringing with it some important changes to different tax rules and practices, which have an effect on many businesses.

The Finnish Tax Administration (Verohallinto) is changing its voluntary taxes declaration portal and practices for declaring voluntary taxes from the beginning of 2017. Many exciting changes, opening new possibilities, are happening around the world.

Tax Changes in 2017

An overview of the main changes applied from 01.01.2017 is compiled by our specialists in order for you to be on top of your business’ taxation from the start of the year.

You can find more information about the changes on a dedicated website provided by the Finnish Tax Administration

Additional Questions?

If some of the information above has raised additional questions, please contact us though our website or call +358 503 220 600.

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Lauri Kuljus
CEO of Kuljus Consulting
+358 503 220 600

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