It is my pleasure to announce that Kuljus Consulting starts the new year 2014 with the introduction of new services to more effectively support the financial well being and development of small and medium size businesses in Finland and Estonia.
We are introducing the services of CFO For Hire, Controller For Hire and Chief Accountant For Hire.
CFO For Hire helps your company to review and if needed redesign finance related strategic processes and procedures, optimize resources (including taxes) and develop most efficient financial activities for your business. Your CFO For Hire is enough of an insider to know your business well and enough of an outsider to be impartial in suggesting also solutions without outside the comfort zone of corporate habits.
Controller For Hire supports you in streamlining your operational finance related processes and procedures. Your Controller For Hire helps you develop your best cash flow activities, brings an experienced professional to your team with flexible work volumes and help you to identify and manage risks you may not have thought about.
Chief Accountant For Hire helps develop your financial daily activities to the most efficient level, while ensuring full legal compliance with tax and other regulations. Having someone to regularly supervise your bookkeeper makes all the difference in quality of work and at the same time keeps your expenses reasonable as you pay only for the needed hours.
Contact us now to learn more about how we can help you succeed financially. We are also happy to take your calls on +358 503 220 600 or e-mails at info@kuljus.eu.
You can find more information on our other services here.
Lauri Kuljus
CEO of Kuljus Consulting