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Tax Evasion in Finland Resulted in a 20 Months’ Imprisonment

Business Law Services

Business Law Services

Aggravated tax fraud can lead up to four years of actual imprisonment.

According to Finnish Tax Administration’s post, published on August 23, 2013, this year a routine tax audit has revealed many tax fraud cases.

A number of fabricated VAT declarations have been submitted to Tax Administration with the goal of obtaining unwarranted tax returns. The head of Tax Audit Unit Anita Wickström mentioned that the officials have intensified the checks of VAT returns and tax audit is closely related to the investigation of suspected fraud.

This spring a discovered VAT fraud of ~200,000 euro in Northern Finland has already reached a court settlement. The mentioned case went under a police investigation and the suspect was arrested. According to
Lapland District Court’s decision, the offender was sentenced to one year and eight months in a real imprisonment.

Source: Finnish Tax Administration

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