Your company’s goals can only be achieved with the help of right amount of people with right skills and attitudes. We are your partner in HR-related topics.
We support you both with the topics of strategic and operative level of HRM and help to handle both the people and the processes.
Your workforce management and personnel documentation are in order with our professional support.
People Management
In the constantly and rapidly changing environment change management in the organization is critically important. We advise how you can implement changes effectively and more efficiently.
Achieving and maintaining workers’ commitment create a presumption for achieving good performance. We support you in finding effective ways for managing, motivating, encouraging and rewarding your employees.
HR Process’ Management Consulting
Your strategic processes such as mapping the existing skills and required needs, training needs and arranging trainings are in order with our help.
You have access to expert help in the organization of employment-related procedures, assistance in the drafting procedure and keeping your personnel records.
When you are not sure if we provide a particular serviceyou are looking for, please contact us and ask via the contact form, e-mail or phone +358 503 220 600.
We mainly provide services in the Greater-Helsinki area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen), still we are more than happy to help clients in other areas of Finland as well.
CFO For Hire
Controller For Hire
Chief Accountant For Hire
Financial Consulting
Taxes in Finland 2014
People Management
HR Process' Management Consulting
Establishing a company
Process’ management
Business plans and business models
Transactions in business and tax registers
Drafting contracts
Representation with the Authorities
Translation and Interpretation Services
Services for Individuals
Ettevõtte asutamine
Protsesside juhtimine
Äriplaanid ja ärimudelid
Äri- ja maksuregistrite toimingud
Lepingute koostamine
Yrityksen perustaminen
Prosessien johtaminen
Liiketoimintasuunnitelmat ja -mallit
Liike- ja veroasiakirjojen toiminnot
Sopimusten laatiminen
Создания компании
Управление процессами
Бизнес-планы и бизнес-модели
Действия в коммерческом и налоговом регистрах
Составление договоров
Tulemuslikkuse suurendamine
Personaliprotsesside loomine ja juhtimine töösuhte elukaare jooksul
Personali värbamissüsteemi loomine ja personali valik
Palgasüsteemi loomine
Arenguvestluste süsteemi loomine ja tulemuslik läbiviimine
Koostöösoovi- ja oskuste loomine ning arendamine
Konfliktid ja nende lahendamine
Stressijuhtimine ja läbipõlemise ennetamine
Supervisioonid / tööjuhendamine meeskonnale ja individuaalselt
Individuaalne coaching /arengunõustamine ja juhendamine
Töötajate motiveerimine ja pühendumise saavutamine
Muudatuste juhtimine
Töösuhte lõpetamise psühholoogilised aspektid
Psühholoogiline nõustamine
Corporate Income Tax
Employer Taxes and Contributions
Püsiv tegevuskoht
Ettevõtte tulumaks
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