
Social Security Payments and Limits In Finland 2018

Social Security Payments and Limits In Finland 2018

Employee pension payments (TyEL)
Salary minimum for TyEL 58,27 €/month
Temporary employer with only temporary workers and total salaries below 8 676 €/6 months (2020) 25,30%
Contractual employer with permanent staff and total salaries from 8 676 €/6 months (2020) TyEL basic payment without client discounts. 25,30%
Employee part of TyEL-payment
17-52 years old 6,35%
53-62 years old 7,85%
over 63 years old 6,35%
Employer part of TyEL-payment
17-52 years old 18,95%
53-62 years old 17,45%
over 63 years old 18,95%
Entrepreneurs’ pension (YEL) payment
18-52 years old 24,10%
53-62 years old 25,60%
over 63 years old 24,10%
– starting entrepreneurs’ payment
18-52 years old 18,80%
53-62 years old 19,97%
over 63 years old 18,80%
YEL – Income Limits
YEL – income minimum 7 656,26 €/year
YEL – income maximum 173 875 €/year
Unemployment coverage: right to Kela’s basic daily allowance if income at least 12 576,00 €/year
Entrepreneur can become a member of an unemployment fund 12 576,00 €/year
Employer’s Social Security Contribution (sosiaaliturvamaksu) 0,86%
Employment Fund Contribution (työttömyysvakuutusmaksu)
Employee part (withheld)
for employees 1,90%
for shareholders 0,65%-0,92%
Employer part
for companies with total salaries up to 2 086 500€/year 0,65%
for companies with total salaries above 2 086 500€/year 2,60%

Sources: Keskinäinen työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma (in Finnish)

Please find more information about taxes and employee-related benefits in Finland in our Tax Consulting section and about employees’ tax-exempt travel allowances on our Tax-Exempt Travel Allowances page.

In case of questions please contact our specialists through the contact form, e-mail or phone +358 503 220 600.

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